I’m on a waitlist but I can’t wait any longer!

What can you do to support your child now?

We all know that early intervention is the way to go when supporting little ones to develop their speech and language skills, and if you’re anything like me, waiting for appointments feels like an unfair test of your patience!

Perhaps you’ve followed all the advice online and you’re doing everything you can while you wait. You’re focusing on quality time not the quantity of time you spend with your little one.

You’re getting down at their level so they can see your mouth, you’re modelling words and repeating back their utterances to them.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, check out this blog post here.

If you have done the above and you’re looking for more, it sounds like this has come at the right time for you!

Come October 2022 I am opening doors to my next parent-training course, the Speech and Language Toolkit!

Over 6 weeks I will teach you how to:

  •  Increase your child’s ability to express themselves.

  • Reduce their frustration.

  • Increase your understanding of your little one’s speech & language needs so you can better advocate for them.


During the first few weeks and months working with a family delivering therapy, I take them through the same elements that I teach in this course. However, in this course I leave you with next steps so know what to do when the course ends.


This course is for you if, you have a little one aged 2-4 who is saying under 100 words and you’re looking for that bridge between doing it alone and starting therapy.


When should I worry about my child’s speech delay?


3 books to read to your toddler this September