Boost your little one’s attention with these toys
The fact that you are here means you probably already know how important attention and listening skills are for learning all skills. If you want a bit more information, check out my previous blog post here.
So let’s dive into how to support these skills…
Give me the good stuff! What toys can I use?!
Here are my top toy recommendations to increase the length of time your little one can focus for…
To make the most of this tip you will want to have a bag/ box of these toys to hand, so you can do one-after-the-other and don’t have to break the flow (trust me, I’ve been there rummaging around trying to find the next toy and by the time I emerge my little learner has moved on!).
Emerging attention toys:
Noisy shape sorters Dinosaur ball popper Balloon Car Click clack track
If this is the first time you are trying a toy like this I recommend building up to playing it ‘properly’. When I introduce turn taking games, I usually take my turn every 3-7 times my little learner has their turn. Gradually I build this up until we each take our turn every other time.
Turn taking toys:
Pop-up T-rex Monkey drop Jitterbug fishing Smelly Wellies
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